Tolbecs Ear Clinic

Tolbecs Ear Clinic


Public Health Services, Mental Health & Counseling, Family & Support Services, Hospitals, Vets

About Us

TOLBECS are the Ear Experts – we know, we care, and we want to make a difference.

Tolbecs have 2 privately owned nurse-led clinics offering safe and professional care for your ears. Our first clinic is located at 74 Naylor Street Hamilton East, and our second clinic is located at the Rototuna Shopping Centre.

Our Ear Nurses are registered nurses who have been comprehensively trained in the nursing specialty of ears (Otology). Our team are friendly and efficient, and we constantly seek excellence and mastery. We really do go-the-extra-mile to help find a solution to each individual’s problem.

Our clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art microscopes to see the best view of any ear canal and drum. We utilize our knowledge and skills to help solve any ear trouble that you are experiencing.


Hamilton East Branch
Rototuna Branch


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