Member Event: The Dale Carnegie Course
Date and Time
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM NZDT
Tuesdays 9am-4:30pm one day a week for 3 weeks + live online Sustain session
Classics Museum, 11 Railside Drive, Hamilton
This course is registered with the Management Capability Development Fund. Find out more by visiting www.regionalbusinesspartners.co.nz
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Sponsored by: Dale Carnegie BOP Waikato
Fast-changing work conditions require leaders who are equipped to not only keep up, but excel in the today’s business environment. This requires persuasive communication skills, creative problem solving methods, and extraordinary confidence and enthusiasm.
While many may think they possess these skills now, through this unique experience, even the best and brightest discover opportunities to grow and improve the skills required to outdistance the competition. Aspiring leaders in all professions learn to connect with people more skillfully and lead organisations to higher levels of productivity.
This inspirational programme is a life-changing event not only for business people, but for world leaders, professional athletes and entertainers, who while coming from diverse specialties, have one thing in common -- an intentional goal of outperforming their personal best.
Leaving, you’ll feel revitalised, equipped with a new vision for the future. What’s more, you’ll leave with a plan for implementing that fresh vision with the verve and vigor needed to perform on today’s center stage.
Discover and master the same skills and attitudes for achieving amazing results, and join the ranks of the world’s most successful people!
Learn How To:
- Energise your career
- Build confidence and break down belief barriers
- Create an intentional, sustainable future
- Strengthen key relationships
- Resolve conflict and build consensus
- Build Resilience
- Influence others
- Maintain a positive outlook on challenges and change
- Excel as a communicator
- Stand head and shoulders about the crowd!